When you’re putting together a portfolio with Avada, you have options to set under the general portfolio, the single page portfolio, and the portfolio post, which would override the other two.

One of the options is for the links in your post to open in a new window. This means ALL the links… even the one to your project details. It inserts a button that says “Learn More”.

You would think the wording on these buttons, and the ability to open in a new window, could be adjusted by editing a template…

No way. That would just be way too easy, and you could adjust it so that it would never be overwritten with an update.

There is probably a way to do it with a hook or a filter but this one escapes me. I found it by searching my entire hard drive for “fusion-portfolio-buttons”. I managed to find a template in Core. When did they move a PAGE template to a plugin core? This makes it impossible to customize via your child theme! But they hate child themes (I found a fix for that, will post at another time) overwriting everything with their own stuff. But changing the code in the template in the Core files does nothing! Really? So I searched some more.. lo and behold, it’s in a SHORTCODE TEMPLATE! Now maybe there is a safer way to update shortcode templates… I will have to research that. But for now, I was able to do this, which works on the One column portfolio archive layout:

On one column layouts render the “Learn More” and “View Project” buttons.
if ( ( ‘1’ === $columns || 1 === $columns ) && ‘masonry’ !== self::$args[‘layout’] ) {
$classes = ‘fusion-button fusion-button-small fusion-button-default fusion-button-‘ . strtolower( $fusion_settings->get( ‘button_shape’ ) ) . ‘ fusion-button-‘ . strtolower( $fusion_settings->get( ‘button_type’ ) );

// Add the “Learn More” button.
$learn_more_button = ‘<a href=”‘ . $permalink . ‘” ‘ . FusionBuilder::attributes( $classes ) . ‘>’ . esc_attr__( ‘Details’, ‘fusion-core’ ) . ‘</a>’;

// If there is a project url, add the “View Project” button.
$view_project_button = ”;
if ( fusion_get_page_option( ‘project_url’, get_the_ID() ) ) {
$view_project_button = ‘<a href=”‘ . fusion_get_page_option( ‘project_url’, get_the_ID() ) . ‘” ‘ . FusionBuilder::attributes( $classes ) . ‘target=”_blank”‘ . ‘>’ . esc_attr__( ‘Visit Site’, ‘fusion-core’ ) . ‘</a>’;

which allows the EXTERNAL PROJECT LINK to go to a new window, and the details link to link to the full post, AND change the names of the nifty buttons. It will show up on my new site, which I hope to launch before the end of 2017.